Nem egy ipari szűréstechnikai eszközről, illetve annak gazdaságosságáról és hatékonyságáról szóló szakmai értekezést hallgathattok meg ezalkalommal, hanem jelenleg csak egy munkacímmel ellátott, fél-hivatalos, új podcast adást. Külpolitikai kórkép közérthetően – így definiálnám, ha röviden kellene összegeznem, hogy mi is ez?
Három magyar podcaster: Lehi (Szín Folt Cafe, Irodai Huszárok), valamint Lator és Lázadó (Kanada Banda) – innen jön a 3L – kontinenseken átívelő, bel- és külpolitikával, világgazdasággal foglalkozó podcast-ja, annak is az első, inkubátor epizódja. Az egyes adásokban a fontos, vagy kevésbé fontos, de minket leginkább érdeklő és elgondolkodtató politikai és gazdasági történéseket fogjuk meg-, át- és kibeszélni, elemezni a saját szemszögünkből. Véleményeket ütköztetünk és a különböző álláspontokat támadjuk, vagy éppen védjük meg a legjobb belátásunk szerint. Esetenként megpróbálkozunk bizonyos események, egyes folyamatok mögött álló okokat, összefüggéseket is felderíteni és megtippeljük, hogy “mi jöhet még?”.
Az új adásunkat felfoghatod úgy is, hogy 3 barát, akiket érdekelnek a világban zajló események, egy pénteki sörözés közben megtárgyalják a nekik tetsző témákat. Te pedig a lejátszás gombra kattintva ebbe a beszélgetésbe hallgathatsz bele. Megpróbáljuk közösen megfejteni, hogy mi, miért történik és hogy ezek a történések milyen hatással lesznek az életünkre?
Reméljük, hogy nagyon sokan érdeklődnek majd az új tartalom iránt. Igyekezni fogunk, hogy mindig érdekesek és aktuálisak legyünk. Nem szakmai oldalról, kemény vonalas külpolitikai szakértőként állunk hozzá a különböző témákhoz, hanem lelkes amatőrként, akik amellett, hogy könnyedén szórakoztatnak, értékes információkat is adnak a mindennapi élethez.
a Szín Folt Cafe Podcast 2019. őszétől
már Budapestről sugározza műsorát
Rövid bevezető után megbeszéltük, hogy mit keres Lehi brit állampolgárként Budapesten, miért költöztek haza 13 év angliai tartózkodás után, szó esett a hogyan továbbről, valamint a podkaszter-szakállról is.
a legkevésbé sem egyértelmű a helyzet
Majd szépen rátértünk az epizód egyik, vagy talán legnagyobb témájára, a Brexit-re, a Végtelen Történetre.
Földtörténet: megnőttek a hegyek, voltak dínók, elkezdődött a Brexit.

- Egy kis törtélem óra: hogyan szakadt ketté Írország és mi a helyzet napjainkban?
- a Schengeni egyezmény a Wikipédia oldalán.
- Most pedig bemutatjuk Nagy-Britannia jelenlegi miniszterelnökét:
kommentár nélkül
Kanadai Parlamenti Választások 2019

(grafika: CTV)

Nem új a probléma: az alábbi rajz 1915-ben készült, címe: „The Canadian Milch Cow” (magyarul: a kanadai tejelő/fejős tehén). A kép azt ábrázolja, hogyan használják ki a keleti bankárok a szorgalmas nyugati gazdákat.
(fotó: a Glenbow Museum jóvoltából)
- Illusztrációk a témához (képekre kattintva a kapcsolódó Fb bejegyzéshez jutsz):

Kanada lakosságának nem a 90%-a, hanem csak 50%-a lakik a pirossal jelölt részeken Ontario és Quebéc tartományokban.

- A választások előtt publikált nyílt levél az Alberta Proud Facebook csoportjából:
„An Albertan’s letter to voters in Ontario and Quebec
On the eve of our Canadian Federal Election, I feel it is prudent to share with our fellow Canadians in the East how pivotal this election is for our Country. I recognize a strong disconnect between the regions and believe I have a responsibility to share our feelings, perceptions, and fears with the men and women of these provinces.
It is no secret that the election is decided before the first vote is counted in Manitoba. 199 of the 338 seats in the House of Commons are held by your two provinces. Your votes decide our election. This is why I am appealing to you. The fate of Canada and our incredible province of Alberta rests in your hands.
We’ve had a rough couple years out here. Since 2015 unemployment has soared, the price of our most valued resource has plummeted, and our access to foreign and domestic markets has been blocked by federal Liberals. While this industry thrives south of the border in the US, Canada’s energy sector has been plunged into a ‘Legislated Recession’ thanks in part to the cancellation of 2 crucial pipelines and the poorly handled expansion of a third. These projects are crucial, allowing access to foreign and domestic markets and closing the gap between the price of Canada’s oil and the oil produced elsewhere in the world. The newly passed Bill C-69 has makes new interprovincial projects nearly impossible to complete, and Bill C-48 restricts domestic tanker traffic on Canada’s West coast, while US tanker traffic navigates the same waters unimpeded. We’ve been put in a box, and the lid is slowly closing. Our Federal Liberal government is the architect of this disaster.
You may ask why this should matter to you? It is simply a matter of economics. According to the Alberta government and World Bank websites, Alberta’s economy accounts for 20% of our Nation’s GDP. In this province of 4.7 million, it means that 11% of Canada’s population produces 20% of our GDP. From 2000-2014, we contributed $200 Billion to equalization, all of it travelling East. On its own, Alberta is the 7th strongest economy on the planet. We’re the core of this country’s economic engine. We’re being told our money is OK, but the oil, our largest economic driver is not. Hell, we can’t even wear our T-shirts on Parliament Hill.
Alberta’s oil is Canada’s oil, and there are a few facts I would like to share with you about it. We are at the forefront of the sector’s clean technology and everyone in this country should be proud of this industry and the highest environmental standards in the world. During this election I’m sure you’ve heard about O&G subsidies and how everyone intends on stopping them, so I feel it is important to break that down. Last year, there were $1.4 Billion dollars given to clean tech by our government. O&G received 75% of that. Rightfully so. That money has been used to increase efficiency and reduce the carbon footprint of production significantly and created technology that has eliminated the need for contentious tailings ponds. A recent study showed that if every country around the world produced their resources to the same standard as Canada, the carbon intensity of production would drop 26% worldwide. Suncor, Canada’s largest producer, just announced a co-gen project that will reduce their carbon footprint by a further 30%, and we’ve championed cutting-edge carbon capture and storage technology. We would love to displace dirty foreign oil in the East, but we are told there is no social acceptability for a pipeline. We would love to know why there is social acceptability for Saudi tankers in your waters, but none for us?
Last I checked, Saudi didn’t contribute to equalization. The environment has been a big topic in this election, and there have been some strong assertions from the parties, some of which may be a little out of reach. 30% reduction in GHG, 60% reduction in GHG. The backbone of these reductions focuses on shutting Alberta’s economy down. There seems to be a huge target on Alberta’s back, and little red dots are starting to dance around the bullseye.
Canada contributes 1.6% to the world’s total GHG emissions. China contributes 27.2%, US 14.6%. A 30-60% reduction in Canada equates to a 1.8-3.6% reduction in China and a 3.5-7 % reduction in the US. Al Gore once said that CO2 knows no borders, so rather than shut down the economic engine of our nation, why wouldn’t we export the clean energy and technology to the countries that need it the most, boosting our economy and helping everyone on this planet reach these targets? What we do as Canadians to reduce emissions means nothing on the grand world scale. It is these heavy emitting countries that could benefit from Canada’s LNG to replace coal, and clean tech to further drive down emissions. It’s a win-win-win for Canada, the environment, and our economy. The Conservatives have proposed this and it has been highly criticized as ‘not enough’. This is the most viable solution and environmental policy for everyone in this country, and it doesn’t include plunging the entire country into debt and recession. It is ironic that the one country (US) that pulled out of the Paris Agreement has made the most progress reaching that agreement’s targets. How? By doing exactly what the Conservatives have proposed to help us and other nations achieve: transitioning coal to significantly cleaner natural gas power generation.
There is another sentiment out here that likely resonates with our fellow Canadians from Quebec. If you asked the average Albertan if they would support separation 2 years ago, you’d be laughed at. Today it is no laughing matter. At the time of the provincial election only a few months ago, it was estimated that 50% of Albertans were open to separation. A poll of 6000+ Albertans only a week ago yielded the same results. We’ve been beaten into submission by the federal Liberals, and we continue to get kicked. Terms like ‘Western Alienation’, ‘Republic of Alberta’ and ‘Wexit’ have become very common. All too often you see ‘Liberal on Oct 21, Separatist on Oct 22’. This movement is real. I mean, REAL. If another Liberal government is elected, even worse a Liberal minority with the Green or NDP propping it up, Alberta’s energy sector will just board up the windows and go elsewhere. It will be crippling for the entire nation. It is ALREADY crippling for Alberta. We can’t take any more of this. We are the victims of a current Legislated Recession and it will only get worse. Half of us want to leave now. More will want to leave if we continue to be exploited for our revenue and vilified for our industry.
Alberta separation would be a crushing blow to this country and its economy, but it doesn’t have to be this way. Albertans are resilient, wholesome, hard-working people that have been happy to help our fellow Canadian citizens maintain a high standard of living. We’re only asking for reciprocation. We don’t want hand-outs, tax revenue, or power. We want the right and ability to do what we’ve been doing all along, without having fellow Canadians standing in our way. We’re a part of the solution, not the problem.
Fellow Canadians, please consider this when casting your ballot. There’s a lot at stake for everyone. There is a fragility in this nation that could be fractured with stroke of a pen, and the power rests firmly in the hands of your provinces. Vote wisely. Vote Canadian.
Signed, Alberta”
Alberta tartomány zászlója valós fotók felhasználásával
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