Welcome to the Canadian Observers Podcast’s home.
We are the creators, editors and hosts of the one & only 100% Hungarian-Canadian made podcast since 2017. We are located in Calgary, Alberta.

A few years ago
A few years ago two Hungarian guys, Lator and Lazado, moved to Calgary and thought they were going to do something new – again. Something, what they haven’t tried before. In August 2017, they sat behind their microphones, pushed the red button and the journey began. The first ever Hungarian – Canadian podcast was launched. It is the: Kanada Banda Podcast – in English it would be Canada Crew Podcast.

Canadian podcast – with Hungarian voice.
The primary task is to provide objective, independent information, public service and the dissemination of knowledge. As well as to form opinions in order to shake their audience out of their everyday lives and rabbit holes.
They also regularly deal with their new, chosen country, Canada, in addition to examining the world with interest and constant healthy skepticism. You can hear about technological, social, economic, public, or even domestic/foreign policy issues.
We’re electrifying
Their second Hungarian language Podcast has been started in 2021, called Elektromobilitas (in English: Electromobility). In this podcast’s episodes the main topics are: electric vehicles, sustainable transportation, battery technologies, the future of the car industry, renewables, environment protection and climate crisis.
Moving forward
After getting a ton of feedback and request, in 2022 the guys started to work on the next step on the road, to extend the production, but this time in English. Please welcome the COP or the Canadian Observers Podcast, where the episodes are aimed to their English speaking audience.
How to …?
You can listen our shows on YouTube or you can easily download every episodes in mp3 format from this website. Please, feel free to get in touch with us anytime. Just click on the Kapcsolat / Contact menu and share your thoughts and/or your opinion and feel free to ask questions – if you have any. We are more than happy to read your messages and we are pretty responsive on every platform.
If you feel any of our Podcasts wordy, helpful, enjoyable please, don’t forget to subscribe on YouTube or on any podcast app!
If you want to help us keep this site and our episodes absolutely ad free and want to encourage us to dive deep into these topics, please support us on Patreon. It is a big help and we really appreciate any help we get.
Thank you for your support,
Lator & Lazado
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